Health and Illness
If your child is ill, it is always best for everyone to keep him/her at home. Students should be fever free for 24 hours before returning to school.
When your child is ill or absent for any reason, please call the attendance line at 596-6203 and leave a message.
The health room is located in the main office area. We have a school nurse one day a week. The office staff handle minor health room concerns and medication. You will be called to pick up your child if any of the following are present: fever, red, draining eye(s), vomiting, diarrhea, rash or any symptom causing great discomfort for your child; i.e., severe cough. We are unable to keep ill students at school.
Medications at School
It is the policy of the Olympia School District not to give medicine to pupils at school, except at the request of the attending physician and the parent. When your child is under the care of a physician and it is necessary for the child to take medication during the school day, these procedures are to be followed:
The parent obtains the Authorization for Administration of Medication at School Form from school,
completes and signs the form.
The parent will take the form to the physician for orders and signature.
The parent will bring the completed form and medicine in the original container to school. The parent will send only the required number of doses to school and will keep the remainder of the medicine at home.
For every child to attend school, State Law (RCW28A.210) mandates either:
Required immunizations vary according to the age of the student and include:
Diphtheria Polio Hepatitis B
Tetanus Measles Varicella (chicken pox)
Pertussis Rubella
Information Regarding H1N1 Virus
Read about the H1N1 Virus (swine flu):
For more information, please visit the Washington State Department of Health and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention also has a website available in Spanish.